

Benefits for virbhadrasana I

  • Srengthens the muscles in the arms and legs, especially the thighs
  • Streches the achilles tendon and the hip flexors
  • Strengthens the ankle, knee and hip joints
  • Expands the chest and improves heart and lung function

Precautions for virbhadrsana I

  • In case of dizziness or strain on the neck, avoid looking upward

Benefits for virbhadrasana II

  • Working the muladhara chakra
  • Strengthens the ankle, knee and hip joints
  • Expands the chest and improves heaert and lung function
  • Increases self confidence, stamina, vital energy and will power
  • Good for getting rid of negative emotions

Precautions for virbhadrasana II

  • Practice according to your own capacity

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Jai Shiva!