

Thank you to the great compassion and loving kindness of our teachers Divya, Radhika, Nevedita, Chetana, Guru Yogi Vishvketu and the World Conscious Yoga Family for sharing their knowledge of the path of yoga. May all who encounter these teachings never be separated from the divine and reach samadhi swiftly for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Om Shanti.

Our Mantras

Om sahana vavatu, sahana bhunaktu
Saha viryam karvava hai
Tejasvina vadhitamastu
Ma vid vishava hai
Om shanti shanti shanti
May the divine protect both teacher & student
May the divine nourish us and lead us to liberation
May we unite our strength for the good of humanity
May our learning be luminous and purposeful
may we live in harmony with one another

Om triyambakam yajamahai
Sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanan
Mrityormoksya mamritat
Blessed is Shiva the three-eyed one
Master of all senses and qualities

Sustainer of growth
May he bestow grace upon us

Om sarvesham svastir bhavatu
Sarvesham shantir bhavatu
Sarvesham purnam bhavatu
Sarvesham mangalam bhavatu
May auspiciousness be unto all
May peace be unto all
May fullnesss be unto all
May prosperity be unto all

Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
Sarve santu niramaya
sarve bhadrani pasyantu
Ma kaschid dukha bhag bhavet
May all be happy
May all be free from disease
May all look to the good of others
May none suffer from sorrow

Asato ma sat gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityorma amritam gamaya
Lead me from unreal to the real
Lead me from darkness unto light
From death to immortality

Om purnamadah puramidam
Purnat purnamudachyate
Purnasya purnamadaya
Purnameva vasishyate
That is whole. This is whole
From the whole, the whole becomes manifest
When the whole is negated
What remains is whole

Om shanti shanti shanti Peace, peace, peace

ardha matsyendrasana and vakrasana

  • keeps the spine supple and strengthens the nervous system
  • massages abdominal organs improving digestion
  • detoxifies ascending and descending colon
  • stimulates root energy
  • incase of pain in hips use vakrasana
  • constipation



  • strengthens the lower back and hamstrings
  • increases the flexibility of the lower back and wrists
  • detoxifies the abdominal organs through contraction and expansion
  • regulates the glands and chakras of the torso
  • eases menstrual cramps
  • working with a flexed foot works the shins
  • working with pointed toes works the calves


  • osteo-arthritis in the hips
  • during pregnancy bring the knee outside of the
  • body instead do not lift the tailbone up


  • makes the spine and vertebrae supple
  • relieves pain of slipped disc and sciatica
  • strengthens the back muscles as well as the arms and wrists
  • relieves menstrual pain
  • tones the reproducitve organs
  • improving circulation in the back region and tones the spinal nerves
  • tones the liveer and kidneys

  • do not hold the pose in case of high blood pressure
  • avoid this pose in the first trimester of pregnancy


  • pancreas and adrenal glands are toned
  • removes excess weight around the abdominal area
  • strengthens and increases the flexibility of the back
  • stimulates the adrenal glands, balancing emotions and the reproductive glands,
  • swadhistana chakra
  • stimulates the manipura chakra releasing emotional tension
  • good for removing anger
  • helps correct hunching of the thoracis spine
  • expands the chest and lungs stimulating the thymus gland and anahata chakra\
  • used to relieve various chest ailments including asthma
  • massages the internal organs (liver, kidney and abdominalorgans) improving digestion and elimination

  • high blood pressure as in most backbending
  • heart disease
  • ulcers
  • pregnancy


  • strengthens the muscles of the whole body
  • improves concentration and balance
  • brings calm and focus to the mind
  • improves self confidence

  • people with lower back strain may come halfway into the position


  • gives a dynamic massage to the abdominal organs throughthe movement of the diaphragm in this position
  • benefits diabetics - aids in the production of insulin
  • tones the reproductive organs
  • activates digestion, removes gas and relieves constipation and dyspepsia
  • stimulates the thymus (immune system), thyroid (metabolic rate), parathyroid (calcium levels), pineal(brain chemicals) and pituitary glands (hormones)
  • improves liver and kidney function, revitalizes the spleen
  • relives spasms in the back
  • slipped disc
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • pregnancy
  • hernia
  • sciatica
  • arthritis of the neck
follow immediately with a counterpose : matsyasana, ustrasana or supta vajrasana


  • opens the hips, knees, ankles and the vertebrae of the spine
  • stretches the hamstring muscles
  • massages all of the internal organs
  • stimulates the digestive system
  • tones the reproductive system
  • stimulates the first three chakras balancing emotions
  • tones and massages the entire abdominal and pelvic region including the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands

  • lower back pain


  • strengthens the wrists, arms, abdomen, back, hips, legs and ankles
  • relieves fatigue
  • opens the chest and lungs
  • releases shoulder and neck tension

  • proceed gently incase of recent breast surgery,
  • weak wrists or high blood pressure
  • use the elbows if you have carpal tunnel syndrome


  • expands the chest, increasing lung capacity and stimulating the thymus glands
  • keeps the spine healthy
  • stimulates the thyroid, parathyroid, pineal and pituitary glands
  • helps one control emotional thoughts
  • increases flexibility of the shoulders


  • those with cervical problems (upper back and neck), heart disease or high blood pressure
  • recent heart surgery

meru uddarakunchanasana

Other Modifications
  • bend the front knee, if comfortable, place the opposite hand on the knee
  • instead of extending the arm to the sky, place it on the hip

  • good for sciatica
  • stretches the hamstrings and tones the thighs
  • draws blood to the lower part of the spine and relieves lower back
  • expands the chest
  • tones the abdominal muscles and detoxifies the organs
  • good for the kidneys
  • stimulates the muladhara, swadisthana and anahata chakras
  • brings awareness of feet musclces

  • lower back and neck injury


  • improves balance, confidence and concentration
  • strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs
  • opens the shoulder joints
  • expands the chest and lungs
  • stimulates the nervous system and uplifts vital energy

  • knee injury
  • lower back problems


Other Modifications
  • bend the front knee, if comfortable, place the opposite hand on the knee
  • instead of extending the arm to the sky, place it on the hip
  • good for sciatica
  • stretches the hamstrings and tones the thighs
  • draws blood to the lower part of the spine and relieves lower back
  • expands the chest
  • tones the abdominal muscles and detoxifies the organs
  • good for the kidneys
  • stimulates the muladhara, swadisthana and anahata chakras
  • good for kidneys
  • brings awareness of feet musclces

  • lower back and neck injury


  • strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders and back
  • lengthens the spine and back of the body
  • strengthens the nervous system, the spinal nerves are toned especially in the upper spine and between the shoulder blades

  • in case of carpal tunnel syndrome or weak wrists, practice half mountain which involves pressing the palms to the wall making an L-shape with the body


  • excellent for moving energy through the first three chakras and raising kundalini energy
  • stretches the hamstrings and the whole back f the body
  • improves digestion and increases reproductive energy
  • relieves menstrual disorders if practised during 3 weeks of the cycle
  • relieves constipation, hernia, gastritis, piles and diabetes


  • back pain
  • slipped disc
  • pregnancy
  • sciatica


  • strengthens the back and neck
  • relieves pain in the lower back and sacrum
  • including sciatic nerve
  • stimulates the internal organs: kidneys, liver, pancreas and gonads

  • high blood pressure
  • pregnancy
  • hernia
  • pressure in the eyes


  • detoxifies the organs of digestion and elimination
  • relieves bloating and gas if using one leg at a time, this pose massages the colon
  • stimulates the manipura and visshudha chakra
  • good for the adrenal glands and thyroid and parathyroid glands
  • if raising the head, this pose strengthens the abdomen and releases tension from the cervical spine

  • colon ulcer
  • this pose should be practised carefully if constipated for a few days. This problem is better removed by drinking several glasses of warm water with salt and lime

shoulder openers


sleeping thunderolt pose

  • massages the abdominal organs, alleviating digestive problems and constipation
  • tones the spinal nerves, makes the spine flexible and realigns rounded shoulders
  • the nerves in the neck and thyroid glands are particularly influenced
  • the chest is stretched and extended to full capacilty, filling the lungs and bringing more oxygen into the system
  • beneficial for those suffering from bronchitis, asthma and other lung infections
  • loosens the legs in preparation for seated mediatation
  • enhances creativity and intelligence and redirects the sexual energy tot he brain for spiritual purposes
  • sciatica
  • slipped disc
  • sacral ailments
  • knee complaints

  1. with the top of the head on the mat arching the back, using the elbows for support, trying to keep the knees in contact with the floor
  2. with the the back of the head instead of the top is resting on the floor, this variation intensifies the stretch of the abdominal region

Source : Asana Pranayama Mudra Bhanda Swami Satyananda Saraswati Yoga Publications Trust, Bihar, India

threading the needle pose

  • opens the sinus
  • good for the eyes, hair, ears, head area
  • increases blood circulation and oxygen to the brain
  • releases shoulder and neck tension
  • good for the kidney and liver

  • in case of lower back or neck problems, give
  • more space between the shoulder and the
  • knee and enter the posture very gently
  • spondylitis
  • blocked sinus


  • tones the entire side of the body
  • increases flexibility of the waistline, regular pactice hels reduce waistline fat
  • alleviates nervousness and depression
  • grounds emotional energy
  • improves digestion, stimulating appetite, activating intestinal peristalsis and alleviating constipations
  • strengthens the pelvic area and tones the reproductive organs
  • slipped disc
  • sciatica
  • inflammation of the vertebrae
  • back pain

  • with the bending right knee slightly when performing on the right side and vice versa
  • with the lowering of the upper arm so that it is parallel to the floor
  • with the upper arm bent and hand placed on the waist
  • with a twist - left hand reaches for right foot


  • dynamically strengthens the lower back
  • massages the abdominal organs and adrenal glands
  • improves digestion and elimination
  • stimulates the manipura chakra releasing emotional tension

Jai Shiva!