

  • gives a dynamic massage to the abdominal organs throughthe movement of the diaphragm in this position
  • benefits diabetics - aids in the production of insulin
  • tones the reproductive organs
  • activates digestion, removes gas and relieves constipation and dyspepsia
  • stimulates the thymus (immune system), thyroid (metabolic rate), parathyroid (calcium levels), pineal(brain chemicals) and pituitary glands (hormones)
  • improves liver and kidney function, revitalizes the spleen
  • relives spasms in the back
  • slipped disc
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • pregnancy
  • hernia
  • sciatica
  • arthritis of the neck
follow immediately with a counterpose : matsyasana, ustrasana or supta vajrasana

Jai Shiva!